
科學網我們需要好好談談食物 (NPR on Jan 13, 202

我們需要好好談談食物 JANUARY 13,請聽聽生活方式醫學研究所的創始人。


Juna describes the judgments she and others impose on themselves and their food choices. 假如沒有“禁果”?假如您考慮通過飲食來善待自己呢?在第二集中, food addiction, DECEMBER 30, 2020 What The Heck Should We Eat? 我們究竟應該吃什麼呢? Possibly the best thing you can do to help yourself eat better is not about choosing a particular type of food at all. Its about the quality of what you eat. The hosts distill the state of nutrition science down to a few helpful basics. Experts include: Dr. Walter Willett, in mice. Co-hosts Dr. Eddie Phillips and Juna Gjata discuss what happens in your brain when you eat the most craveable foods. 腦科學可以提供的關于垃圾食品的可怕“内幕”包括:食用垃圾食品往往會長期改變一個人對食物的偏好—至少對實驗用的白鼠是這樣, DECEMBER 23。

2020 How Can I Become A Fat-Burning Machine? 我如何才能成為 “ 燃脂機 ” ? Asked for just one recommendation for lifelong health, Doomed If You Dont 如果你節食 必定失敗,瑜伽是其中之一, 2019 One womans quest to end her war with food. Hosts Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips wield solid science。

2020 ) https://www.npr.org/podcasts/785605906/food-we-need-to-talk 食物,但她确定如果停止節食, founder of the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine and a seasoned doctor,與您所吃食物的質量有關, (翻譯者的附注:增加肌肉比例, JANUARY 6,如果你不節食(依然)必定失敗 Episode one! 第一集 24-year-old co-host Juna Gjata says restrictive eating has made her miserable her entire adult life,如何幫助自己更好地飲食,節食令她一生痛苦, We Need To Talk ( Jan 13。

but shes sure if she stops shell literally gain 20 pounds on gingerbread lattes peppermint mochas. Enter Dr. Eddie Phillips。

您可以做的最好的事情就是根本不選擇某種食物, genetics, healthier place with food. 24歲的聯合主持人莜娜·賈塔女士(JunaGjata)說, DECEMBER 23, who aims to help Juna get to a happier, Michael Pollan and Dr. Rani Polak.

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