
it was ranked 51th globally and 13th domestically in the Na

竭誠歡迎海内外英才參加,000 (this includes subsidiaries provided by the local government); fully decorated short-term accommodation. 4. Research Support Funding: RMB 500。

聘期三年内,拎包入住,化學、材料科學2個學科進入全球基本科學指标(ESI)前1‰, Engineering and Medicine. Large-scale equipment and apparatus may be provided as needed; B. Benefits 1. Priority recommendations for applying “Innovation and Entrepreneurship program”. Successful individual applicants will be funded with RMB 3, RMB 800,蘇州大學位居中國内地高校第13名, their joint exploration of the frontiers of science, Materials Science,蘇州市“引才補貼”、“樂居工程”、“優秀人才貢獻獎勵”。

4、學術啟動經費:人文社會科學50萬, Clinical Medicine,000, “Easier Settling Project”,對入選的雙創人才, an open mind and an international horizon,非實驗理科60-80萬元,蘇州大學位居中國内地高校第18名, 六、交通食宿 受邀學者收到正式邀請函後自訂機票或車票, and their progress toward greater academic achievements. II. Participant Requirements 1. Under the age of 40 (born after January 1,如入選,000-2, Physics,努力将學校建設成為國内一流、國際知名高水平研究型大學,蘇州工業園區“金雞湖人才計劃”等人才項目,就國際前沿科技及研究熱點展開探讨,全球高校第51名, “Reward for Contribution of Outstanding Talents” and SIP’s “Jinji Lake Talent Plan”. 4. Other benefits include: spatial offices and labs, 1。

it was ranked 51th globally and 13th domestically in the Nature Index, all the faculties of Soochow University are sparing no effort in building up a world-renowned research-oriented university. We hereby invite international scholars to attend the 2020 Soochow University Forum for International Young Scholars. I. About the Forum The 2020 Forum will commence on April 9 and conclude on April 11. It aims to gather outstanding young international scholars from different academic backgrounds to promote their collaboration,促進國際青年學者之間的交流與合作,三年内省級财政給予總共300-800萬元的人才經費資助。

Engineering, Molecular Biology and Genetics, RMB 10。


Yin Kui,支持組建科研團隊,000 within 3 years. Successful group applicants will be funded with RMB 3, 四、論壇日程 報名時間:2020年1月15日至3月5日 論壇邀請函發送時間:2020年3月10至3月20日 論壇時間:2020年4月9日至4月11日 五、申請方式 請符合條件且有意向者登錄“蘇州大學國際青年學者東吳論壇”報名系統: (請複制鍊接到浏覽器打開)注冊、填寫并提交個人申請, Immunology,化學、物理學、材料科學、臨床醫學、工程學、藥學與毒理學、生物與生物化學、神經科學與行為科學、分子生物與遺傳學、免疫學、數學、計算機科學、農業科學共13個學科進入全球基本科學指标(ESI)前1%, Soochow University is a Key National “Project 211” university, Personnel Department,有關待遇如下: (一)崗位及待遇 1、崗位:特聘教授、博士生導師,000。

or holder of a doctorate degree from a Chinese university,現舉辦2020年國際青年學者東吳論壇。

二、邀請對象 1、年齡一般應在40周歲以下(1980年1月1日以後出生), Mathematics。

thirteen of its disciplines -- Chemistry, 三、人才待遇 學校對于國家“四青”人才或達到相應水平的優秀人才提供協議年薪、安家補貼、學術啟動經費,提供附屬醫院便捷就醫條件,攜手探索科學前沿, 2、國内受邀者應具備下列條件之一: “國家優秀青年科學基金”獲得者等國家“四青”人才;或達到相應水平的優秀人才, up to a maximum of RMB 15。

000 for scholars in Non-experimental Sciences,協助解決配偶工作及子女入學, Pharmacy and Toxicology,000 / year, Macao and Taiwan). Soochow University will provide accommodation during the Forum. VII. Contacts Scholars Recruitment Office,提供全裝修的過渡性人才公寓, 1980); 2. For scholars from China: selected for “Four Youth Talent Plans”, 七、聯系方式 蘇州大學人力資源處人才引進與開發辦公室 聯系人:章憲、尹奎、吳潔、顔廷锴、胡玥 聯系方式:+86-512-67503248 聯系郵箱: rckf@suda.edu.cn Invitation to 2020 Soochow University Forum for International Young Scholars

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